This is a time to be  fully present and centered so that, together, we can turn this challenge into an opportunity for spiritual growth. 

 At Damanhur we explore the value of community even deeper and we keep our Temples active to support spiritually this momentous transformation for the whole humanity. 

This requires an extraordinary effort, as we depend mostly on  visits and meditations to cover the Temples' maintenance costs.  

This effort  is now beyond our possibilities and we trust in the generosity of all our friends.  We know that if you can, you will support our endeavors in service to humanity. And if you cannot donate at this time, please keep us in mind in the future.

Subscribe to our newsletter through this form and stay tuned for more. You'll have access to a page where you can listen to the soundtrack of a powerful meditation and download the "PAN REVIVE SCHEMA."

We hope you will use and enjoy them! Blessings and keep safe!

We will respect your inbox. Ours is a monthly newsletter  plus some occasional special communications.
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Orango Riso and Gazza Solidago guide you through a beautiful meditation to connect to the life-force of Spring and to the spiritual field of Damanhur

Enjoy the meditation

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Listen to the soundtrack of the meditation 


The PAN REVIVE SCHEMA: this pattern is connected to the energies of the earth, the living power that sustains vegetation, the nature spirits and all life. The ancient Greeks associated this energy to the god Pan, and it is to this frequency -- renewed and transformed to be perfectly harmonized with our times and our energetic structure -- that we connect through this schema. Pan, in this case, functions as a gateway to the pure healing energy of the universe, that in some traditions is called prana. The schema was created/channeled in 1989 and inspired by connecting to the Pan vibration.

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the temples of humankind

The Temples of Humankind are a sacred space created to connect to the spiritual forces supporting the evolution of humanity in these challenging times of change.

Built by hand inside a mountain, on an energy line of the earth in northern Italy, the Temples are a spiritual activator that creates a unique energy field.
Discover the Temples

Discover the new art book 

on the Temples of Humankind

New Photo Book of the Temples of Humankind. An exciting journey of aesthetic, cultural and artistic inspiration. 192 pages, more than 140 images of the Hall of the Temples of Humankind plus exclusive photos of the sacred spaces adjacent to them: the Crystal Spiral and the Time of People. Fine art edit

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Stay tuned and receive news, insights and anticipations about Damanhur's research.

We respect your inbox, our newsletter is monthly, plus some occasional special updates 


It is in times like these that we can really make a difference in the world, by being responsible, taking good care of our body, keeping our spirit up and spreading optimistic thoughts. All of this helps our brain produce the necessary hormones to support an healthy immune system. 

 And if you want an extra boost, you can use our Selfic bracelets to help your body’s defenses also energetically. We have tested them for over three decades, and wearing them is an indispensable part of Damanhur policies for prevention. 

If you want to try them, and start boosting your immune system through Selfica, we are now offering them at a 10% discount. It is a part of our commitment to help as many people as possible in keeping safe and healthy!